How to pronounce tallyED?
How to pronounce ‘tallyED’?
We get this question A LOT. So, we’re going to break it down and share some background on tallyED as well.
Let’s start with the root word – tally – which is pronounced ‘ta-lē’ and means “to record, tabulate,” according to Merriam-Webster.
As you know, part of tallyED’s mission is to encourage civic engagement, so, we ask confirmed registered voters (tallyED users) their opinions about national, state and local issues affecting their communities – and tally the results.
Next, let’s incorporate the ‘ED’ and now we get the past tense of “tally” – which is pronounced ‘ta-lēd’.
But why is it spelled different, you ask?
Well, for two reasons:
- 1) ‘ED’ represents ‘education’ – another mission of tallyED. You see, as voters vote on tallyED Public Opinion polls, the aggregate results are available to see by everyone and we can all learn something from them.
- For example, we might learn our opinion on a particular issue or current event is shared by many other voters – across the political spectrum and/or among other generations – and maybe not just by voters on “our team.”
- Or on the flip side, we might learn our opinion is in the minority which may encourage us to find out more information about this topic or current event.
- 2) ‘ED’ also represents ‘Election Day’ - which, as you can imagine, is quite important for candidates and issue campaigns. Election Day is the culmination of many months (sometimes years) of preparation, organization, and execution. In short, Election Day changes the course for many.
- And we hope tallyED can be a platform to help candidates and campaign staff win on Election Day!
Very important: Can other tallyED users see how you voted on tallyED Public Opinion polls? Absolutely not.
On tallyED, we provide a secure platform to easily tally voter’s opinions on an array of interested topics, current events, and leading legislation – and much more.
Join tallyED today to engage with other registered voters in your precinct, county, and state.